hey everybody
2014 has started. :-)) lets make it an awesome one filled with laughters, love, smiles, hugs and way too much fun!
i hope everyone had an enjoyable christmas as well as a good new years party! ;) well just in between both these big events, i had a even bigger eventboth my coming up: REUNION WITH DA SECOND FAMILY IN PARIS!!! my host family was doing a europe tour and just after christmas we met up in Paris for a little time. both my families finally met. oh my gosh, it was undescribale! it wasnt like one of these aw-big-hugs-tears-reunions, more like oh we havent seen each other for half a year, tho it feels like just a few weeks :-)) we spend lots of time exploring Paris, which is i must admit a beautiful city, but i have never been in such a busy part of the world. i was very lucky to meet up with my family so soon again, i really didnt expect it to come this soon! but it was really good to even realise things aren't impossible.
now holidays for us germans are already over and school has been back for a week now, tho i go on work experience next monday for two weeks, which shall be super duper awesome and interesting: an institution for scienctif research (marine and polar biology) AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut :3
well this was a short one, maybe next time i'll have more time for a longer one
see ya
Anja :**